Why is Charles Barkley not in 2K? Looking at reason behind NBA legend missing on simulation game

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Why is Charles Barkley not in 2K is a question that resurfaced after the newest edition of the simulation game was released a couple of days ago.

Barkley, an NBA Hall of Famer and current TNT analyst, has not been part of the simulation game and fans are usually wondering why is Charles Barkley not in 2K.

The former player and legend explained what the reason is for his absence from the game.

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He continued:

"Unless they give the retired players x-amount of money they cannot use my likeness. And, I think I’m not even going to think about that anymore. They’re gonna give some money to the retired players, or they’ll never be able to use my likeness, period. Listen, that game makes hundreds of millions of dollars. They can use the write-off. Listen, my phone is always open."

This quote could explain why is Charles Barkley not in 2K, but this is not the first time that he refers to his absence from 2K. He has been addressing this issue from time to time, but every time he calls out the company for how they negotiate their payment to current and former players.

Maybe his comments can explain why is Charles Barkley not in 2K, and it doesn't seem likely that his 2K status will change in the game's future editions.

Barkley said:

"I’m asked that question a lot. So, they pay those guys to do it and they make 300 million dollars and they pay the guys chump change. And I’m like nah, I’m not doing that. I said this is what I’ll do, because giving me some money doesn’t help anybody. I said give the old retired players a million dollars and I’ll be in the video game." "They’re like, well, we’re gonna pay you the same thing we pay others, and I said I’m not like the others. They piss me off every year. They call me every year and say ‘hey, have you changed your mind?’ Why in the world would you think I’m gonna change my mind?" Charles Barkley said about a year ago.

NBA legends that are not on 2K

Charles Barkley is not the only former player that is not in the NBA 2K simulation game. Even though the reasons for their absence is unclear, we cant find legends like Reggie Miller, Robert Horry and Rasheed Wallace in the game either.

There is no clear indication on why Rasheed Wallace and Robert Horry are not in the game, but Reggie Miller has shared his thoughts, criticizing the company for how they negotiate with players and legends.

Miller, a former Indiana Pacers legend and one of the best three-point shooters in the game, believes payment to players should have been much higher for their participation in the simulation game.

Based on Miller's comments, payment issues seem to be the main reasons why is Charles Barkley not in 2K. It could remain that way if the company doesn't change the way it negotiates with current and former players.

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