S08.E17: David & Benji & Erica - Page 2 - My 600-lb Life

Publish date: 2024-05-08

As I recall, she keeps mentioning Jimmy, and thinks he'll come back someday.    If he's smart, he moved to Tierra del Fuelgo, and left no forwarding address.    

I hate how Erica says her family doesn't care about her.   Her niece was doing everything for her, the sister came to Houston repeatedly to help her, and traveled with her.  She was only living with Jimmy for two months, before they decided to go back to California, so she could sell her collectibles (worthless junk).  Then they were going to buy a home together in Houston.     I love that Erica says her junky statues and 'collectibles' should earn thousands for the house down payment.  That stuff wasn't worth what she paid for it when she bought it.    I wonder how many tens of thousands she spent on that stuff? 

 I think Jimmy was smart to see what a hoarder Erica is, how needy she is and focused only on herself, and run for the hills.   I wish him all the best.   If he would have stayed with Erica, he would have been living in a hoard, with all of those beady eyes from the little statues staring at him, taking care of Erica forever, and have a terrible life.   

I loathe David, who dumps his girlfriend because he thinks he can do better since he's down below 400 lbs.    I wonder if he's still with the next girlfriend that he dumped Mary for?    

Benji is the one I'm rooting for, he's a kind person, who is trying to lose weight for the right reasons, and wants to do better for his family.     Benji was down to 218 at the beginning of this episode.    However, Benji gaining 30 lbs. between appointments, and then wanting skin removal was bizarre.  I do love Dr. Now asking Benji "Do you have a medical degree I don't know about?".     

Erica's session with Lola was bizarre.   It think Erica feeling sick was after she realized that Lola wasn't going to tell her that Jimmy will be coming back to her, and keep waiting for him.   Then when the ambulance comes, her voice over tells the truth, she's eaten through another surgery.   When Dr. Now said that Erica had stretched her stomach out to the pre-surgery size (after the second surgery), and maybe more, I really disagree that she needed another surgery.   She will eat though this too.  When she basically needs an ambulance, because Lola disagreed with her, and Erica only needs an antacid, then she's too sick mentally to give her more surgery. 

Not fitting into the MRI (or is it a CAT scan?) told me how much weight she gained.   I really think she was using the walker again so she could hunch over, and not show her weight gain so much.   I think the reason she was using a cab or ride share was because she couldn't fit behind the wheel any longer.     

That's why she shipped her car back to California too, instead of trying to drive. 

Erica is doing weight loss to please others (Jimmy, Dr. Now), and she doesn't care about it at all.   My understanding is Gall Bladder removal will give her bad issues from eating too much fat, so she should be sick the second she can go back on solid foods, and get to a drive thru.    Doing Gastric Bypass on her was a waste of time.    I'm wondering if Erica's stomach pain after her fall, after the third surgery, was going back to solid foods too soon?  I bet it wasn't just a fall that ruptured a couple of sutures.  

Benji's local transport business would do very well in Houston.    Lots of smaller furniture and appliance stores don't deliver, but have a list of people to contact for transportation, and delivery.  

Erica still whining about Jimmy at the end of the episode is pathetic. 

Edited August 6, 2020 by CrazyInAlabama
