Blood-Covered Pilot Continues Flying Plane After Bird Slams Into Cock

Publish date: 2024-05-08
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An Ecuadorian pilot was greeted by a bird at 10,000 feet after it smashed through the cockpit ... forcing the aviator to keep his cool while maintaining flight.

The clip began making rounds Wednesday, showing some sort of dead massive bird dangling right in front of pilot, Ariel Valiente, above Vinces, a city in the Los Rios Province of Ecuador.

Vinces Ecuador

Most shockingly, however, is the fact Valiente keeps the small aircraft in the air ... even turning the camera on himself to show his blood-covered face. He seems pretty unfazed by the terrifying ordeal. The blood is likely from the feathered-creature ... but hard to tell for sure.

bird pilot

Obviously, the people on social media are havin' a field day with the whole thing. While some applaud the pilot for not freaking out, one user said it looked like a scene "straight outta horror movie."

bird plane with

Seems like a great premise for the sequel to Hitchcock's "The Birds" ... just saying.
