Who is Lauren Ash? Meet the Canadian actress from Guy's Ultimate Game Night

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Season 1 of Guy's Ultimate Game Night is set to premiere on August 31 on the Food Network.The show will feature a bunch of celebrity contestants who will play many culinary games to win. One of these contestants is the 39-year-old Canadian actress, Lauren Ash. Moreover, apart from her, there are other celebrities who belong to different career paths.

Guy's Ultimate Game Night will be Guy Fieri's sixth collaboration with the network. Moreover, as co-host, he will be joined by chef Antonia Lofaso. According to Guy, the show will be a great mix of talk shows, cooking shows, and a game night that will totally grip the audience and keep the contestants on their toes.

The official synopsis of Guy's Ultimate Game Night reads,

"The new game show puts a culinary twist on classic party games as the celebrity contestants compete in front of a live studio audience for the chance to win prizes for their favourite charity. Chef Antonia Lofaso assists with all the action of the competition, as the celebrities play with food in the hands-on challenge and test their culinary knowledge with trivia and word puzzles. They must stay on their toes as they never know what Guy will throw their way. Let the games begin!"

Lauren Ash from Guy's Ultimate Game Night has undergone surgery five years ago

Comedian and actress Lauren Elizabeth was born in Belleville, Ontario. She currently lives in Los Angeles and is majorly known for her role as Dina Fox on the sitcom Superstore. Unknown to many people, Lauren suffered a fatal cyst in her ovary five years ago. She would writhe in pain and required an operation at the earliest.

Once operated on, she gained some weight, which she recently shed off this year. However, when she did start losing weight, people accused her of using artificial ways of getting fat out of the body. Lauren defended herself through an Instagram post and revealed her cyst problem. Ultimately, she requested that people not judge someone superficially.

Coming to her acting career, Ash has appeared in Scare Tactics, a prank show, and the Canadian TV series Almost Heroes.

Later, she also got a recurring role on The Ron James Show and then made guest appearances on shows like Lost Girl, Cracked, Bomb Girls, and Call Me Fitz. Other film and television shows that she has appeared in are Video on Trial, Hotbox, and the Academy Award-nominated film Lars and the Real Girl.

Lauren has also voiced Sam Goldman in the animated Canadian series The Dating Guy.

In 2015, the Guy's Ultimate Game Night contestant won the Canadian Screen Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series at the 3rd Canadian Screen Awards for her appearance on Spun Out. Again in the same year, the actress won Best Female Performance in a Feature Film for her role as Carol in the movie Dirty Singles.

In 2020, Ash began a weekly podcast titled True Crime and Cocktails with her cousin Christy Oxborrow. Through this, the two sisters narrate bone-chilling crime stories and incidents.

What is Guy's Ultimate Game Night all about?

In Guy's Ultimate Game Night, celebrities from different fields will make it to Guy Fieri's game show. They will be performing several food-related tasks in a live studio. In every episode, the celebrity's knowledge and love for food will be tested. Moreover, the celebrity who wins at the end will donate the winning amount to a charity of his choice.

The celebrity contestants appearing on the show are Chef Nyesha Arrington, actress Lauren Ash, chef Maneet Chauhan, actor Ben Feldman, actress Vivica A. Fox, television host Kevin Frazier, comedian Ron Funches, actor Billy Gardell, sports reporter Jay Glazer, television host Matt Iseman, magicians Penn Jillette and Teller, chef Troy Johnson, television personality Carson Kressley, actress Natasha Leggero, Olympian Tara Lipinski, comedian Cheech Marin, television personality Ross Mathews, chef Aaron May, television host Maria Menounos, musician Brett Michaels, actress Alyssa Milano, comedian Bobby Moynihan, actress Francia Raisa, filmmaker Kevin Smith, television host Charissa Thompson, chef Jet Tila, television host Nischelle Turner, DJ tWitch, chef Michael Voltaggio, Olympian Johnny Weir, comedian Kym Whitley, and musician Carnie Wilson.

Viewers will be able to watch the premiere of Guy's Ultimate Game Night on August 31 at 9 pm ET on Food Network.

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