Publish date: 2024-05-07


Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter is Dead is a 1991 comedy film that follows the adventures of five siblings who are left alone for the summer when their mother goes to Australia and their babysitter dies unexpectedly. The film stars Christina Applegate as Sue Ellen, the eldest sister who takes charge of the household and gets a job at a fashion company, while her brother Kenny (Keith Coogan) and the other kids try to keep their secret from their nosy neighbors and their mother’s boyfriend. The film is a cult classic that explores the themes of responsibility, independence, and family.

Plot Summary

The film begins with Mrs. Crandell, a divorced mother of five, leaving for a two-month vacation in Australia with her boyfriend. She hires Mrs. Sturak, a strict elderly woman, to watch over her kids: Sue Ellen, Kenny, Zach, Melissa, and Walter. The kids are unhappy with their babysitter, who imposes harsh rules and confiscates their money and belongings. However, they soon discover that Mrs. Sturak has died in her sleep, leaving them with no money and no adult supervision.

The kids decide to hide the body in a trunk and drop it off at a funeral home, hoping to avoid any trouble. They also agree not to tell their mother about the babysitter’s death, fearing that she will cancel her trip and come back home. They plan to use the money that their mother left for emergencies, but they find out that it was buried with the babysitter. With no other option, Sue Ellen decides to get a job to support the family.

She applies for a receptionist position at General Apparel West (GAW), a fashion company, using a fake resume that claims she is a college graduate and an experienced designer. She impresses Rose Lindsey, the executive assistant, who hires her on the spot as her own assistant. Sue Ellen also meets Bryan, a friendly delivery boy who works at Clown Dog, a fast-food restaurant. However, she also makes an enemy of Carolyn, the receptionist who wanted the assistant job, and Bruce, the company’s vice president, who is suspicious of Sue Ellen’s credentials.

Sue Ellen enjoys her new job and learns a lot about the fashion industry. She also develops a romantic relationship with Bryan, who helps her with the household chores and the kids. However, she also faces many challenges and complications, such as balancing her work and family life, hiding her true identity and age, dealing with Carolyn’s sabotage attempts, and coping with Rose’s stress and depression. She also has to deal with Kenny, who becomes a slacker and a stoner, and the other kids, who cause trouble and mess up the house.

The film reaches its climax when Sue Ellen’s mother calls and announces that she is coming back home earlier than expected. Sue Ellen panics and tries to wrap up her work and clean up the house. She also has to prepare for a fashion show that Rose has entrusted her with, using her own designs that she made from the kids’ old clothes. However, everything goes wrong when Carolyn exposes Sue Ellen’s fraud, Bruce fires her, Bryan breaks up with her, and the kids ruin the fashion show. Sue Ellen is devastated and thinks that she has failed as a sister and a worker.

However, the film ends on a happy note when Sue Ellen’s mother arrives and sees the fashion show. She is impressed by Sue Ellen’s creativity and talent, and proud of her for taking care of the family. She also forgives her for lying about the babysitter’s death, and tells her that she loves her. Sue Ellen reconciles with Bryan, who apologizes for doubting her, and with the other kids, who appreciate her efforts. Rose also praises Sue Ellen for saving the company from bankruptcy, and offers her a job as a junior designer. Sue Ellen accepts, but only if she can finish high school first. The film ends with the family hugging and celebrating their summer.

Analysis and Review

Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter is Dead is a fun and entertaining film that appeals to both teenagers and adults. The film has a lot of humor, heart, and charm, and features a likable and relatable protagonist in Sue Ellen, who grows as a person and a leader throughout the film. The film also has a great supporting cast, especially Joanna Cassidy as Rose, who is a mentor and a friend to Sue Ellen, and Josh Charles as Bryan, who is a sweet and supportive love interest. The film also has some memorable scenes and quotes, such as the fashion show, the Clown Dog robbery, and the “I’m right on top of that, Rose” catchphrase.

The film also has some deeper messages and themes, such as the importance of family, honesty, and hard work. The film shows how Sue Ellen and the other kids learn to appreciate and respect each other, and how they overcome their differences and problems. The film also shows how Sue Ellen discovers her passion and potential, and how she proves herself in a competitive and demanding industry. The film also shows how Sue Ellen faces the consequences of her lies and mistakes, and how she learns from them and makes amends. The film also shows how Sue Ellen balances her personal and professional life, and how she finds happiness and fulfillment in both.

The film is not without its flaws, however. The film has some unrealistic and implausible elements, such as how Sue Ellen manages to fool everyone at GAW with her fake resume and credentials, and how she gets away with her deception and fraud. The film also has some stereotypes and cliches, such as the evil babysitter, the rebellious teenagers, and the clueless mother. The film also has some dated and inappropriate aspects, such as the sexism and harassment that Sue Ellen faces at work, and the drug and alcohol use that Kenny and his friends engage in. The film also has some plot holes and inconsistencies, such as how the kids dispose of the babysitter’s body, and how they pay for their expenses and bills.

Overall, Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter is Dead is a classic comedy film that is enjoyable and inspiring. The film has a great story, characters, and performances, and a lot of humor, emotion, and style. The film is a cult favorite that has a loyal fan base and a lasting impact. The film is a must-watch for anyone who loves comedy, fashion, and family.
