The ECW new talent initiative: Who benefited?

Publish date: 2024-05-06
1. Sheamus, easily. 2 time WWE champ. Went from ECW to WWE champ within months, has had some good feuds and big name matches with John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, and John Morrison. Although he has been on a slump as of late, his move to smackdown! should see him back in the main event level fairly soon.

2. Jack swagger. Some people like him, some people don't. I personally think he's great. Awesome in the ring, not bad on the mic. With the abundance of heels on raw, once his work with Cole and Lawler is down, I'd love to see him turn face and push up the card again, maybe start a fued with Drew McIntyre, who could use something to do at the moment. His world title reign wasn't anything special, but it was nowhere near as bad as most claimed it to be, it was a nice change from the guys that we're used to seeing as champion.

3. Sheamus and Swagger both have the potential to have very good careers. It's up to them to take advantage of every oppurtunity that comes their way, and hope that creative doesn't fuck them up.
