Ho'oponopono Certification

Publish date: 2024-05-06

This is an overview of the ho'oponopono certification course for practitioners created by Dr. Joe Vitale, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and musician Mathew Dixon with additional information on how the technique of ho'oponopono is practiced for healing, mental cleansing and righting the wrongs in a person's life.

Since the art of Ho'oponopono was made public by Hawaiian Dr Hew Len it was taken up by Dr Joe Vitale and his long awaited course for practitioners created.

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Drs Vitale and Len were joined in the creation of the course by healing musician, Mathew Dixon who created the backing musical tracks for the course material.ho'oponopono certification

Course Information

Here is a summary of the course and what it entails:

What You Will Learn

The course provides you with study material about the practice of ho’oponopono and how it is a healing technique that was initially practised by ancient Hawaiians.

In the course, you will learn this technique and the many ways in which it can be used to heal and make right things that are wrong in your life of that of the person you are healing.

You will also learn about the power of gratitude, contrition and taking responsibility for everything you experience in your life.

This Website

This site has been created to call attention to that course and describe what it is about and review its pros and cons. Essentially, the idea is to help a prospective buyer decide if it is right for them or not.

To achieve that end, there is a complete ebook in PDF format included in this site to make the full review easy to read and learn about. That PDF document can be accessed here:

Ho'oponopono Certification Review (PDF)

What Is Ho'oponopono?

mental cleaningYou can go straight to read that document if you wish for the full review.

Or you can stay here and read some more lines on this page. This will provide an overview of what the strategy is all about and how it can help you to improve the state of your life in good measure!

Here we have a technique derived from an ancient Hawaiian prayer method by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len that was originally used as a cleaning tool to cleanse a person of all harmful and negative energy brought about by certain actions and the bad emotions they created in that person that were held onto deep inside.

It is actually a method of self forgiveness and mental cleansing that renders all bad emotions and harbored feeling of guilt or shame to zero.

By removing all the negativity, this prayer for healing technique liberates the person from the metaphorical weight on their shoulders and allows them to regain their "old self" and enjoy life once again.

What is the Ho'oponopono Method?

In short, the mainstay of the technique is the repetition of a short mantra, not unlike the affirmations used by many personal development students.

This can undertaken during meditation or any time you can find yourself in a quiet space where you're unlikely to get interruptions.

The Ho'oponopono Prayer

The prayer or mantra goes like this:

I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.

This prayer is explained in more detail in the PDF review article that I linked to above. Naturally, it is explained in much more depth within the course material.

Why Become a Certified Ho'oponopono Practitioner?

There are a number of reasons why becoming a certified practitioner of ho'oponopono[1] would be a great idea.

First of all, by completing the course by Dr. Joe Vitale[2] itself, you will learn a great deal about the techniques and strategies used in this process and how to use the affirmations or short phrases in the mantra for your own benefit.

Next, after using these precepts to essentially heal yourself to enable you to go forward in life, you can then begin teaching what you have learned and experienced to others. This can take the form of informal gatherings in your home, kind of like coffee mornings.

Alternatively, you can extend it to a larger scale by renting a classroom and teaching larger groups. You could even move up to lecturing or giving talks to colleges or company workforce groups and charge accordingly.

What starts out as a self-improvement exercise can become a fully blown business opportunity where it is certainly possible to earn a genuinely good living from speaking, lecturing and teaching students.

What Do I Need to Do?

The first place to start is to make the firm decision that you are going to get the course and study it thoroughly. Your task will be to really learn it and use the skills and strategies it contains for your own personal development and improvement.

That is important because before you can realistically teach a skill to anyone else, you must first master that skill yourself!

Merely reading the course then thinking you know it all because you memorized it is not enough. This is where an element of work ethic comes into play and where you should become adept at the technique of Hawaiian prayer meditation yourself.

There are thousands of people walking around that learned all the stuff they were taught by memorizing and repeating what they read in books, but that doesn't make an expert out of any of them. To really "know" a subject, you have to go further than merely memorizing a few pages of text.

You really have to get inside it and experience it by taking real action to put what you have learned into practice so that you can see and feel it working.

This takes a lot more work, that part is true. But nothing of any consequence was ever created without its creator putting in a lot of work and effort.

Think about that for a moment. If you're truly serious that you want to learn how to use and then teach ho'oponopono to others, you must first have an in-depth knowledge of what this effective mental a cleaning tool is and how it works. You can only get that through personal experience and by putting it into practice.

Tire kickers will never capitalize on their investment because they won't see it through. If you are a tire kicker, don't bother even getting the course. It won't do you any good to merely read it and put it down.

Who Would Benefit from This Course?

Dr. Joe Vitale's Ho'oponopono course will help anyone needing to remove memories and thoughts of past negative experiences to be able to enjoy life to the max.

If you feel that you are not enjoying your life the way you would like to, this course will benefit you immensely. The same is true if you know someone who might be in need of mental and emotional healing, who can also benefit from you learning how to use this practice to help them.

Through a process of mental cleaning, you can learn how to really forgive, reduce fear, anger and anxiety to be able to live a life free of pain and anguish.

If you're serious, then get it, learn it, use it, experience it and be able to put your hand on your heart and say truthfully that you really know it. Then it's worth getting and benefitting from in many ways.

How to Get the Best Ho'oponopono Course

In my opinion, the best downloadable ho'oponopono course has been created by Dr Joe Vitale. You can get a copy easily by clicking the image/link below, which will take you directly to the sales page where you can buy it, download it instantly to your computing device.

Then you can get started right away learning what may be one of the nmost important lessons you will ever learn!


1. Ho'oponopono Certification: www.tjicl.org/articles/become-a-certified-hooponopono-practitioner.php "Become a Certified Ho'oponopono Practitioner"
2. Dr Joe Vitale: www-mrfire.com/law-of-attraction/hooponopono-certification/
3. Global Sciences Foundation: myglobalsciencesfoundation.org

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