Why was Takeoff not on 'Bad and Boujee'? Reason explored as Quavo delivers memorial speech at rapper

Publish date: 2024-05-05

American rapper Quavo delivered an emotional tribute to his late nephew and fellow Migos member Takeoff, who was shot dead on November 1.

The funeral service for the late rapper was held on Friday at the State Farm Arena, where his group members, including Quavo and Offset, paid tribute by giving speeches in his honor. Quavo has also shared the eulogy on Instagram, along with a string of photos.

He wrote:

"This whole time I've been trying to figure out what you really are to me because nephew wasn't it. We hated the word 'nephew' or when they said 'Unc and Phew' because we always knew we were way closer than that and it made me feel old too."

He further added, noting:

Now I finally get it… you are OUR angel watching me and watching us this whole time in living form, making sure EVERYONE FELT UR LOVE AND HUGS while u here and u made our dreams come true."

Read the entire eulogy below:

Quavo explained why Takeoff was not featured on the number 1 hit single Bad and Boujee

Earlier in August 2022, Quavo had explained why Takeoff was not part of the 2016 hit single Bad and Boujee. During an episode of the Rap Radar podcast, co-host Eliott Wilson asked why Takeoff did not rap in the song when it came out. Quavo answered the question by saying:

“I just think it was just timing. We was just trying to get something out. We was actually pissed off because we ain’t have no music out. I think like a couple months before that whole little wave and we was going through the litigation with 300 (Entertainment), so we ended up leaking ‘Bad and Boujee’ on SoundCloud first.”

The artist also noted that the group was running short on time, and that he was not supposed to appear on the track:

“Sh*t, I wasn’t even finna be on it. I had to do my verse on some quick, fast, in-a-rush sh*t. So it was just like everybody running to the song and trying to get it done.”

Bad and Boujee featured Lil Uzi Vert and received a nomination for Best Rap Performance at the 60th Grammy Awards.

Takeoff's funeral was attended by fans and celebritites

American rapper Offset also spoke about Takeoff during the service. Holding back his tears, he said:

“Changed the culture of music forever, you did that Take. You changed that flow. That flow came from Take, the originator. The originator of that flow. He changed the music.”

Canadian rapper Drake, who has collaborated with the group for various songs, also gave a speech at the artist's funeral and spoke about the brotherhood he formed with Takeoff.

The funeral service, billed as the Celebration of Life, was attended by various artists and fans in huge numbers. It also featured performances from Chlöe Bailey, Justin Bieber, Yolanda Adams, and Byron Cage.

Additionally, artists who attended the funeral service included Gucci Mane, Cardi B, City Girls, YG, Lil Yachty, Cee-Lo Green, Teyana Taylor, Rich the Kid, Russell Simmons, Murda Beatz, and Mustard.

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