Pat McAfee Vows To Put His Foot Up Happy Corbins Ass At WWE SummerSlam

Publish date: 2024-05-05

is determined to get revenge on Happy Corbin at WWE SummerSlam.

McAfee previously threw down the gauntlet for a match between the two, and Corbin left the SmackDown broadcaster lying with an assault after WWE Money in the Bank went off the air. McAfee subsequently wore a neck brace on-camera at UFC 276 due to the damage Corbin inflicted.

During the July 5 edition of The Pat McAfee Show, the former NFL star recalled the scene and noted that Corbin ruined the celebratory mood after a successful premium live event. He noted that a FOX executive was accidentally hit during the beatdown.

“Everybody saw my neck brace, that was out of precaution because a scumbag had attacked me immediately following Money in the Bank going off the air on Peacock,” said McAfee. “Michael Cole and I were just sitting there, having our usual nightly wrap up like, ‘That was a f—— good night, feels like a good night.’ And before we could even get our headsets off and get out of there, as the entire world was celebrating, some scumbag by the name of Bum Ass Corbin literally attacked me from behind the barricade like a horror film. Drags me over, hits a FOX exec right behind us and a consultant right next to him. I actually kicked them both in the whole process of that. Hey, sorry about it. I didn’t do anything. Drags me over, I have no idea what I’m doing.

“Just finished the evening. Liv cashed in her Money in the Bank, dream come true, one of the biggest nights of all time. Bobby Lashley, new United States Champion. The Usos and Street Profits had maybe one of the best matches I’ve ever seen live, and then Theory wins the Money in the Bank, a Nigerian giant ended up going through our commentary table and so many other hijinks and s—. It was a great night, interesting evening.”

McAfee continued to describe the assault and noted that he thought he got hurt, but thankfully he only walked away with a severe case of whiplash.

“Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I’m kinda swooped up by a scumbag. I’m out there, I’m losing my bearings, I’m getting wailed on, punches. Throws me over the barricade, hit my head off the side of the commentary table that was blown up by Omos. Got cuts on my head from that thing because there’s some metal where the bolts go. Literally still bruised on my head right now, both sides. So then I’m like kinda staggering in there. This big son of a bitch who’s a bum ass, former Golden Gloves boxer, obviously incredibly tough. Former teammate of mine, roommate of mine, a man who has complete become a terrible human, has me by the hand with my Rolex under my jacket. Pulls me in, boom. I’m upside down all of a sudden, holy f—, [slammed] right into the ground, right.

“Thought I had a T1, T2, my larynx potentially in trouble as well. I’m 240 pounds. When your body’s upside down and flipped around right onto your face, there’s gonna be some bad outcomes. So there was a little precautionary there because I could not move my neck afterwards because I was in incredible pain. Any budge would hurt like hell. Turns out, no fractures in there, but I did have a severe case of whiplash, so I will still be rather stiff.”

The SmackDown broadcaster then shifted gears and vowed to beat Corbin up at WWE SummerSlam, as the match is now official.

“With that being said, Happy Corbin, Bum Ass Corbin, has officially accepted my SummerSlam Challenge, so it is on. Once this neck heals up 100%, I’m gonna be f—- going. I’m gonna beat that guy’s ass in Nashville, Tennessee, Saturday, July 30. It’s gonna be big, it’s gonna be grand, and this foot right here is gonna end up up the ass of Bum Ass Corbin.”


— Pat McAfee (@PatMcAfeeShow) July 5, 2022
