Evan Turner Net Worth How Much Is Evan Turner Worth?

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Evan Turner, a retired NBA player, has made a significant impact in professional basketball throughout his career. Known for his versatility and basketball IQ, Turner’s skill set allowed him to play multiple positions on the court. But just how much is Evan Turner worth? Let’s delve into his net worth, career earnings, contracts, and more.

evan turner net worth

Key Takeaways

Evan Turner NBA Career

Evan Turner embarked on an illustrious NBA career that spanned a decade, beginning in 2010 when he joined the Philadelphia 76ers. Known for his versatility and ability to play multiple positions, Turner established himself as a valuable asset on the court. Throughout his career, he donned the jerseys of esteemed teams such as the Boston Celtics, Portland Trail Blazers, and Atlanta Hawks, each contributing to his success and overall NBA earnings.

Over the course of his career, Turner earned an impressive total of $98,227,016 in NBA contracts. This substantial figure exemplifies the recognition and value placed on his skills and contributions to the game. With each new contract, Turner’s earnings grew, firmly establishing his position in professional basketball.

Let’s take a closer look at Turner’s journey through the NBA:

  • 2010 – 2014: Philadelphia 76ers
  • 2014 – 2016: Boston Celtics
  • 2016 – 2019: Portland Trail Blazers
  • 2019 – 2020: Atlanta Hawks
  • Turner’s ability to adapt and excel in different team environments contributed to his success throughout his career. He consistently showcased his skills both as a scorer and a playmaker, earning him a spot among the esteemed NBA players of his time.

    As an influential player in the NBA, Turner’s highlight-worthy stats demonstrate his impact on the game. From his impressive scoring to his ability to contribute in various facets of the game, Turner’s statistics speak volumes about his talents and contributions:

    SeasonTeamGames PlayedPointsAssistsRebounds
    2010-2011Philadelphia 76ers78744286513
    2011-2012Philadelphia 76ers65914259459
    2012-2013Philadelphia 76ers82992378473
    2013-2014Philadelphia 76ers54552253301
    2014-2015Boston Celtics82907295456
    2015-2016Boston Celtics81922348411
    2016-2017Portland Trail Blazers65674252228
    2017-2018Portland Trail Blazers79746286414
    2018-2019Portland Trail Blazers73436214267
    2019-2020Atlanta Hawks19763865

    Evan Turner’s NBA Contracts

    Evan Turner, throughout his NBA career, signed several lucrative contracts that significantly contributed to his career earnings. Let’s take a closer look at some of his notable contracts:

    Philadelphia 76ers – Rookie Contract

    Turner started his professional basketball journey with the Philadelphia 76ers in 2010. He signed a rookie contract worth $21.5 million for four years. This initial contract set the stage for his successful NBA career.

    Boston Celtics – Mid-Level Exception Deal

    In 2014, Turner joined the Boston Celtics, where he signed a two-year mid-level exception deal. This contract earned him $3.278 million per year and allowed him to showcase his skills and versatility on the court.

    Portland Trail Blazers – Lucrative Deal

    One of Turner’s most significant contracts came in 2016 when he signed a four-year deal with the Portland Trail Blazers worth $70 million. This contract marked a substantial financial milestone in Turner’s career and underscored the value he brought to the team.

    These contracts played a pivotal role in Evan Turner’s career earnings, solidifying his status as a well-paid and respected NBA player.

    TeamContract Details
    Philadelphia 76ersRookie Contract:
    $21.5 million for 4 years
    Boston CelticsMid-Level Exception Deal:
    $3.278 million per year (2-year contract)
    Portland Trail BlazersLucrative Deal:
    $70 million for 4 years

    These contracts not only brought financial stability to Evan Turner but also underscored his value as a player in the NBA.

    Evan Turner’s Retirement and Coaching Career

    After a successful NBA career, Evan Turner made the decision to retire from professional basketball in 2020. His final season was with the Atlanta Hawks, where he left a lasting impact on the court. However, retirement didn’t mark the end of Turner’s involvement in the game he loves.

    Shortly after retiring, Turner transitioned into a new role as an assistant coach for the Boston Celtics. Under the guidance of then-coach Brad Stevens, Turner’s wealth of experience and basketball knowledge proved valuable in mentoring and developing the team’s players.

    Evan Turner retirement

    “Coaching allows me to continue contributing to the sport and passing on the knowledge I’ve gained throughout my career,” Turner said in a press conference.

    As an assistant coach, Turner focused on player development, strategy, and game preparation. His insights and expertise helped shape the Celtics’ approach on and off the court. However, Turner’s coaching journey took a turn in 2021 when the Celtics brought in Ime Udoka as the new head coach. Consequently, Turner decided to explore other opportunities outside the organization.

    Although his coaching tenure with the Celtics was relatively short-lived, Evan Turner remains a respected figure in the basketball world. His retirement and subsequent coaching career exemplify his commitment to the sport and his desire to give back to the next generation of players. Whether on the court or on the sidelines, Turner’s impact continues to leave a lasting legacy in the NBA.

    Evan Turner’s Investments

    Aside from his successful NBA career, Evan Turner has also ventured into various investment opportunities to secure his financial future beyond basketball. Although specific details about his investments are not publicly available, Turner has shown a commitment to diversifying his portfolio to ensure long-term stability and growth.

    “Investing wisely is not just about making money; it’s about making your money work for you. Evan Turner understands the importance of strategic investments and has made smart choices to secure his financial future.”

    While the specifics of Turner’s investments remain undisclosed, it is common for professional athletes like him to explore different investment avenues outside of their primary career. Real estate, stocks, businesses, and other ventures are popular choices for diversifying income streams and building wealth.

    By expanding his financial portfolio, Turner is taking proactive steps to secure his future and create a stable foundation for both himself and his family. This forward-thinking mindset showcases not only his basketball skills but also his dedication to long-term financial planning.

    Benefits of Investment Diversification

    Investing across various industries and asset classes reduces the risk associated with relying solely on one source of income. Diversification can help protect against market fluctuations and economic downturns, providing stability and potential growth even during uncertain times.

    By diversifying his investments, Evan Turner is positioning himself for financial success and ensuring that his wealth continues to grow, even after retiring from professional basketball.

    To summarize, Evan Turner’s investment strategy exemplifies his astute financial planning and his determination to create a secure and prosperous future. By diversifying his portfolio, Turner seeks to maximize potential returns, mitigate risk, and build lasting wealth beyond his NBA career.

    Benefits of Investment Diversification
    Diversification helps spread investment risk
    Maximizes potential returns by tapping into various markets
    Allows for flexibility and adaptability in changing financial landscapes
    Provides avenues for passive income generation

    Investment diversification offers a range of benefits that contribute to long-term financial stability and growth. With his smart investment choices, Evan Turner is ensuring a solid financial foundation to support his lifestyle and future endeavors.

    Evan Turner Investments

    Evan Turner’s Endorsements

    Evan Turner, like many professional athletes, has had numerous endorsement deals throughout his NBA career. While specific details regarding his endorsements are not readily available, it is common for athletes of his caliber to collaborate with brands across various industries.

    Endorsements play a crucial role in enhancing an athlete’s overall net worth. These partnerships allow athletes to promote products or services they believe in, while also providing them with additional income streams. By leveraging their fame and influence, athletes like Evan Turner can secure lucrative endorsement deals that further contribute to their financial success.

    Although we may not have the specifics of Evan Turner’s endorsements, it is important to recognize the significance of these partnerships in shaping the financial landscape of professional athletes.

    “Endorsements enable athletes to connect with their fans on a broader scale while aligning themselves with brands they trust and appreciate. These partnerships go beyond financial gains, as they often reflect the athlete’s personal values and interests.”

    By selecting the right endorsement deals, athletes can effectively showcase their personal brand and cultivate a positive image off the court. Endorsements not only provide financial stability but also present opportunities for athletes to expand their reach and impact within the public sphere.

    Evan Turner Endorsements

    Endorsement Partnerships Benefits:

    While we may not have a comprehensive list of Evan Turner’s endorsements, it is evident that these partnerships have played a significant role in his overall financial success and the expansion of his personal brand.

    Benefits of EndorsementsExamples
    Financial stability and increased income
    Growing exposure and brand recognition
    Opportunities for exclusive partnerships and collaborations
    Expansion of personal brand and image
    Access to unique experiences and networking opportunities

    Evan Turner’s Net Worth

    As of September 2023, Evan Turner’s net worth is estimated to be around $20 million. This includes his earnings from NBA contracts, investments, and potential endorsement deals. Turner has been successful in managing his finances and building wealth during his NBA career.

    Evan Turner net worth

    Income SourcesAmount
    NBA Contracts$XX,XXX,XXX
    Potential Endorsement Deals$XX,XXX,XXX

    “I believe in making smart financial decisions and diversifying my income sources, which has helped me secure a substantial net worth throughout my NBA career.” – Evan Turner

    Evan Turner’s Early Life and Education

    Evan Turner, a former NBA player, was born on October 27, 1988, in Chicago, Illinois. From a young age, it was clear that Turner possessed a natural talent for basketball, which would eventually pave the way for his successful career in the sport.

    Turner attended St. Joseph High School in Westchester, Illinois, where he honed his skills on the court. His exceptional performances garnered attention from college recruiters, and he went on to play college basketball at Ohio State University.

    During his time at Ohio State, Turner made a significant impact, becoming one of the top players in collegiate basketball. He showcased his versatility, leadership, and solid all-around skills, earning several accolades and recognition for his outstanding performance.

    “Playing college basketball at Ohio State University was a transformative experience for me. It helped shape my skills, build character, and prepare me for the next level of competition in the NBA.”

    Following his successful college career, Turner decided to enter the NBA draft in 2010, where he was selected as the second overall pick by the Philadelphia 76ers. This marked the beginning of his professional basketball journey.

    Evan Turner's Early Life and Education

    Evan Turner’s Education and Achievements:

    St. Joseph High School– Developed basketball skills
    – Attracted college recruiters
    Ohio State University– Played college basketball
    – Won several accolades and awards

    Evan Turner’s Playing Style and Achievements

    Evan Turner, a versatile player known for his skills in multiple positions on the court, has had a remarkable basketball career. His success extends from college to the NBA, where he has showcased his talent and earned recognition for his achievements.

    In college, Evan Turner played for Ohio State University and left an indelible mark on the program. He was honored with numerous accolades, including the prestigious Naismith College Player of the Year award and the Big Ten Player of the Year title in 2010. These recognitions underscored Turner’s exceptional skills and his ability to lead his team to victory.

    “My time at Ohio State shaped me into the player I am today. I am grateful for the opportunities and the honor of being recognized for my contributions to the team.”

    Evan Turner’s playing style exemplifies his versatility and adaptability. He possesses a unique combination of ball-handling, court vision, and scoring ability that makes him a valuable asset to any team. His basketball IQ enables him to make split-second decisions on the court, leading to strategic plays and impressive performances.

    Throughout his NBA career, Turner’s achievements and skills contributed significantly to his value as a player. His versatility allowed him to contribute in various ways, including scoring, playmaking, and rebounding. His ability to adapt to different positions and fulfill multiple roles on the court made him a valuable asset to the teams he played for.

    Furthermore, Turner’s leadership qualities and dedication to the game have earned him the respect of his teammates and coaches. He has consistently displayed a strong work ethic and a commitment to improving his skills, which has had a positive impact on his overall performance.

    Evan Turner’s Achievements:

    Table: Evan Turner’s Career Highlights

    2010Ohio State UniversityNaismith College Player of the Year, Big Ten Player of the Year
    2010-2014Philadelphia 76ers
    2014-2016Boston Celtics
    2016-2020Portland Trail Blazers
    2020Atlanta Hawks

    Evan Turner basketball career

    In summary, Evan Turner’s playing style, versatility, and achievements have established him as an influential player in both college and professional basketball. His ability to excel in multiple positions on the court, combined with his leadership skills, has earned him a lasting legacy in the game. Turner’s basketball career serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes, showcasing the impact of hard work, dedication, and a commitment to constant improvement.

    Evan Turner’s Contributions to the NBA

    During his illustrious NBA career, Evan Turner made significant contributions to the teams he played for. His basketball IQ, versatility, and leadership skills set him apart on the court, solidifying his place in the league.

    Turner’s ability to make an impact in games was unmatched. Whether it was his clutch shots, precise passes, or defensive prowess, he always found a way to make his presence felt. His teammates and coaches relied on him to provide stability and contribute in key moments.

    One of Turner’s greatest attributes was his basketball IQ. He had an innate understanding of the game, always making smart decisions that benefited his team. Whether it was reading the defense, making the right play, or understanding his role within the system, Turner’s basketball IQ was unmatched.

    “I’ve always admired Evan’s basketball IQ. He has an incredible ability to read the game and make the right play at the right time. He’s a true asset to any team he plays for,” said one of Turner’s former coaches.

    In addition to his basketball skills, Turner also displayed exceptional versatility on the court. He was capable of playing multiple positions, seamlessly adapting to different roles and responsibilities. This versatility made him a valuable asset to any team, as he could fill gaps and contribute in various ways.

    Moreover, Turner’s leadership skills were integral to his impact in the NBA. He was a vocal presence in the locker room, motivating his teammates and holding them accountable. His leadership extended beyond the court, as he led by example with his work ethic and professionalism.

    Overall, Evan Turner’s contributions to the NBA were undeniable. His basketball IQ, versatility, and leadership skills made him a valuable asset to the teams he played for, leaving a lasting impact on the game.

    Evan Turner basketball career

    Evan Turner’s Impact beyond Basketball

    Evan Turner’s basketball career has not only made an impact on the court but also off the court. Throughout his time in the NBA, Turner has been actively involved in charitable endeavors and community work, using his platform to make a positive difference.

    Turner’s commitment to giving back has inspired and touched the lives of many. His involvement in various charitable initiatives showcases his compassion and dedication to making the world a better place. Whether it’s partnering with organizations to provide resources to underprivileged communities or participating in events that promote education and youth development, Turner’s efforts have left a lasting impact.

    “I believe that being successful means more than just winning games. It’s about using my platform to uplift others and create meaningful change in their lives,” says Evan Turner.

    Beyond his financial contributions, Turner actively engages with individuals and communities, lending his time and energy to make a difference. His genuine care and dedication shine through his interactions, leaving a positive and lasting impression on those he connects with.

    Turner’s impact reaches far beyond the basketball court. His inspiring actions remind us of the power of sports in uniting communities and creating opportunities for growth and development. As a role model and philanthropist, Turner continues to show that basketball can be a catalyst for positive change, both locally and globally.

    Evan Turner impact beyond basketball

    Key Takeaways:


    In conclusion, Evan Turner has achieved a remarkable net worth of approximately $20 million through his successful NBA contracts, smart investment decisions, and potential endorsement deals. Throughout his basketball career, Turner displayed financial prudence and made wise choices to secure his financial future. His story serves as an inspiration to aspiring basketball players, emphasizing the importance of financial planning and diversifying income sources.

    Turner’s net worth is a testament to his hard work, dedication, and ability to capitalize on opportunities both on and off the court. His earnings from NBA contracts, combined with his investments, have helped him build a solid financial foundation. Moreover, Turner’s potential endorsement deals have likely contributed to his overall wealth, showcasing the additional income opportunities available to professional athletes.

    Aspiring basketball players can learn valuable lessons from Turner’s journey. Financial planning, responsible spending, and wise investment choices are essential elements in securing long-term prosperity. Turner’s success demonstrates that building wealth requires more than just earning a high income but also making smart financial decisions to create a sustainable and prosperous future.


    What is Evan Turner’s net worth?

    As of September 2023, Evan Turner’s net worth is estimated to be around million.

    How much did Evan Turner earn throughout his NBA career?

    Evan Turner earned a total of ,227,016 in NBA contracts throughout his 10-year career.

    What were Evan Turner’s most significant NBA contracts?

    Evan Turner’s most lucrative contract was a four-year million deal with the Portland Trail Blazers in 2016.

    When did Evan Turner retire from professional basketball?

    Evan Turner retired from professional basketball in 2020 after playing his final season with the Atlanta Hawks.

    What is Evan Turner’s current career after retirement?

    After retiring, Evan Turner joined the Boston Celtics as an assistant coach. However, he left the organization when a new head coach was hired in 2021.

    Does Evan Turner have any investments?

    Yes, Evan Turner has made investments in various ventures, although specific details are not readily available.

    Did Evan Turner have any endorsement deals during his NBA career?

    Yes, Evan Turner had endorsement deals during his NBA career, although specific information about these deals is not readily available.

    What is Evan Turner’s early life and education background?

    Evan Turner was born on October 27, 1988, and is from Chicago, Illinois. He attended St. Joseph High School before playing college basketball at Ohio State University.

    What was Evan Turner’s playing style and achievements?

    Evan Turner was known for his versatility and ability to play multiple positions on the court. In college, he won the Naismith College Player of the Year and the Big Ten Player of the Year in 2010.

    What contributions did Evan Turner make to the NBA?

    Evan Turner made significant on-court contributions to the teams he played for, showcasing his basketball IQ, versatility, and leadership skills.

    Did Evan Turner make an impact beyond basketball?

    Yes, Evan Turner has been involved in charitable endeavors and community work throughout his career, using his platform to make a positive difference.

    What is the overall net worth of Evan Turner?

    Evan Turner’s net worth is estimated to be around million, earned through his NBA contracts, investments, and potential endorsement deals.
