Who was Marikit Laurico? Tributes pour in as Floyd Mayweather's personal assistant dies aged 47

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Floyd Mayweather's longtime assistant, Marikit Laurico, recently passed away at the age of 47. A few reports mentioned that she suffered a heart attack.

The Daily Mail also reported that Laurico claimed "feeling unwell" during a trip to Dubai, shortly before her untimely demise. However, the reports are yet to be confirmed.

Her siblings and parents shared a statement through her official Instagram account, revealing that she died on March 31, 2023. The statement added:

"We thank all of you who have reciprocated genuine love and positive energy with her. We are grateful for your patience and honoring our privacy. Homegoing/celebration of life arrangements of Kitchie are currently in progress, and updated information will be shared accordingly."

Marikit Laurico was Floyd Mayweather's assistant for more than a decade

As per The Sun, Marikit Laurico was Floyd Mayweather's personal assistant and marketing manager for more than 10 years. Following her sudden encounter with Mayweather, she became a member of The Money Team. She used to travel worldwide with Mayweather for fights and promotional activity.

Marikit Laurico was known as the assistant of Floyd Mayweather (Image via ikitchie/Instagram)

Although detailed information about her early life was not available, she was 11 years old when she shifted to the US and studied marketing and public relations in college.

She was Mayweather's personal assistant and marketing manager until her death.

It must be noted that Mayweather is yet to address Laurico's unexpected demise.

Floyd Mayweather was active as a professional boxer from 1996 to 2017 and during that period, emerged as the winner of 15 world championships. He has been a recipient of various accolades like the BWAA Fighter of the Year, the Best Fighter ESPY Award, and more.

Netizens pay tribute to Laurico on social media

Floyd Mayweather's wife Melissa Brim paid tribute on Instagram by posting a few pictures of Marikit Laurico and writing that she was a blessing in her family's life. She recalled speaking to Laurico the previous weekend and added:

"I think about how much I'm going to miss you & it hurts my heart even more to know when KJ goes to his paw paw's house that he will be walking around looking for you saying "Kitchie Kitchie" he loved you so much & you watched all the movies with him haha. I will cherish all the memories I have you forever!"

Melissa ended the post by writing that she will cherish the memories they had together. She also described Marikit as a "courtside, ringside and photo buddy."

Actor Jamie Foxx also paid tribute to Laurico on Instagram and wrote:

"I know they say the god doesn't make mistakes, but come on man not @ikitchie my heart is shattered. Just saw you two weeks ago. So many questions why… rest beautifully my blessed friend gone too soon gone for no reason."

Social media platforms were also flooded with tributes from all those who knew Marikit Laurico over the years:

Tributes for Laurico (Image via ikitchie/Instagram)
Tributes for Laurico (Image via ikitchie/Instagram)
Tributes for Laurico (Image via ikitchie/Instagram)
Tributes for Laurico (Image via ikitchie/Instagram)
Tributes for Laurico (Image via ikitchie/Instagram)
Tributes for Laurico (Image via ikitchie/Instagram)
Tributes for Laurico (Image via ikitchie/Instagram)

Laurico is survived by her siblings and parents.

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