Celebrities Who Treat Waiters Like Trash

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Like James Corden, Jeremy Piven was once banned from a high-profile restaurant after exhibiting a diva-worthy attitude. It was 2007 and the actor was attending the U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, Colorado when he decided to have dinner at celebrity chef Nobu Matsuhisa's restaurant, Matsuhisa. According to an insider who spoke with Daily News, Piven arrived at the busy eatery with a group of 12 and no reservation, and demanded a table. "It was a very busy night, but a table, although cramped, was provided," the source shared. Well, it seems that wasn't enough for Piven.

"On his way out, he made a nasty comment to the manager: 'Thanks for nothing,'" the insider claimed. Adding insult to injury, "He left a DVD of the first year of 'Entourage' to one of the waiters." Well, the staff wasn't having it. Not only did an employee reportedly throw the DVD at Piven while he was walking out, but the manager also banned him from ever returning to Matsuhisa. He was also told to not show up at Chef Nobu's namesake restaurant, Nobu, in either New York or Los Angeles. Piven issued a non-apology through his rep, saying, "The meal was excellent and the service was great."

Piven was once dubbed "the biggest jerk in showbiz," per The Guardian, and his ex, Sarah Tressler, accused him of being rude to fans and waiters and consistently "not acknowledging them," per news.com.au.
