The Most Dangerous Monkey In The World

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Although monkeys aren't technically apes, a troop of marauding baboons in South Africa undoubtedly gave humans nightmares about a Planet of the Apes-style uprising. As NBC describes, in 2009, 29 baboons laid siege to four vehicles, stealing food as panicked passengers screamed and presumably asked those darned dirty non-apes to keep their stinking paws off the sandwiches. Their fierce leader was dubbed Fred, which sounds about as intimidating as a pirate named Melvin. But Fred didn't need a fancy name to instill fear. 

Per PRI, Veterinarian Mark Evans the blandly named baboon could 'bite like a like a cheetah...and rule his troop like a despotic emperor."  Fred knew how to open car doors, unzip bags, and break into houses. And he was tough as Kevlar. X-Rays revealed that Fred had been shot more than 50 times over the course of his exploits. Though he seemed impervious to bullets, a different kind of shot ended him. Fred the baboon was captured and killed by lethal injection.
